Salary Record

Profile ID: 546

Created/Updated: 07 Oct 2024

Employment Information

Exact Job Title Senior VP Of Customer Success
Employment Location Denver,  United States
Business Focus B2B
Current Role VP / Director of Customer Services
Marketing Specialty Customer Experience & Relationships

Salary Information

Current Base Salary (Annual) $175,000
Annual Bonus $35,000
Currency USD

Benefits Information

  • Flexible working hours
  • Life insurance
  • Paid maternity / paternity leave
  • Performance bonus
  • Work from home

Personal and Company Information

Years In Current Role 5 - 6 years
Years in Career / Marketing 10-15 years
Highest Education Level Bachelor (undergraduate) Degree
No. of Direct Reports 11-25
Employer Type Automotive
Employer Size Large (250+ Staff)
Gender Male
Name Your Price None, I am happy where I am

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